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D: 29 Jan 2025
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General usage
Getting started
Flag usage summaries
Column set descriptors
Citation instructions
Standard data input
PLINK 1 binary (.bed)
PLINK 2 binary (.pgen)
Autoconversion behavior
VCF/BCF (.vcf[.gz], .bcf)
Oxford genotype (.bgen)
Oxford haplotype (.haps)
PLINK 1 text (.ped, .tped)
PLINK 1 dosage
Sample ID conversion
Dosage import settings
Generate random
Unusual chromosome IDs
Allele frequencies
'Cluster' import
Reference genome (.fa)
Input filtering
Sample ID file
Variant ID file
Interval-BED file
SNPs only
Simple variant window
Multiple variant ranges
Deduplicate variants
Sample/variant thinning
Pheno./covar. condition
Category subset
Missing genotypes
Number of distinct alleles
Allele frequencies/counts
Imputation quality
Founder status
Main functions
Data management
Basic statistics
Pairwise diffs
Linkage disequilibrium
Sample-distance matrices
Population stratification
PCA projection
Association analysis
--glm ERRCODE values
Report postprocessing
Linear scoring
Distributed computation
Command-line help
Flag/parameter reuse
System resource usage
.zst decompression
Pseudorandom numbers
Warnings as errors
.pgen validation
1000 Genomes phase 3
FASTA files
Errors and warnings
Output file list
Order of operations
Developer information
GitHub root
Python library
R library
Adding new functionality
Discussion forums
File formats
Rules of Thumb
Data Exploration 1 — HWE, Allele Frequency Spectrum
Data Exploration 2 — Genomic Structure
Relationship Matrix
Genome-Wide Assocation Analyses (GWAS)
Formatting Files
Variant IDs
Reference Alleles
Format for R
Quick index search
Order of operations
If --zst-decompress present, decompress file to stdout and
Load additional commands from --script
Apply --rerun
If --help present, print requested help entries and QUIT
If --version present, print version and QUIT
Apply --silent
Apply --out , start logging
Define chromosome set (--chr-set , --cow ...; human if unspecified)
Parse remaining command line flags in lexicographic order
Note chromosome filter (--chr , --not-chr , --autosome , --autosome-par )
Handle nonstandard input:
--adjust-file , --gwas-ssf standalone jobs
If --pgen-info with no .pvar file provided, scan header, print basic info, and QUIT
Convert VCF (--vcf ), BCF (--bcf ), Oxford dosage (--bgen , --data/--gen ), Oxford haplotype (--haps ), or PLINK 1 dosage (--import-dosage ) data to PLINK 2 binary, then QUIT if no other commands
Generate random dataset (--dummy )
Merge filesets (--pmerge , --pmerge-list ; --set-all-var-ids/--set-missing-var-ids applied to all inputs at the start if necessary)
Read main sample-info file, if necessary:
Check for duplicate sample IDs
Read main variant-info file, if necessary:
Exclude variants with multi-character allele codes (--snps-only )
Apply #-of-distinct-alleles filters (--min-alleles , --max-alleles )
Apply QUAL/FILTER/INFO variant filters (--var-min-qual , --var-filter , --extract-if-info , --exclude-if-info , --require-info , --require-no-info )
Assign chromosome-and-position-based names to variants (--set-all-var-ids , --set-missing-var-ids )
Split or merge pseudoautosomal region (--split-par , --merge-par , --merge-x )
Read main genotype file's header (--[b]pfile , --bfile , or freshly autoconverted)
Transpose PLINK 1 sample-major .bed, if necessary
Validate genotype file (--validate ), then QUIT if no other commands
Print basic information about .pgen (--pgen-info ), then QUIT if no other commands
Apply "--make-founders first"
Load/create additional phenotypes (--pheno , --within , --family )
Ignore phenotypes (--not-pheno )
Check for duplicate allele codes, if necessary
Select single variant range by ID (--from , --to , --snp , --exclude-snp , --window , --from-bp ...)
Select multiple variant ranges by ID (--snps , --exclude-snps )
Update variant information (--recover-var-ids , --update-map , --update-name )
Update allele information (--update-alleles )
Extract/exclude variants by ID list(s) or intervals (--extract , --exclude , --extract-intersect )
Extract variants based on text column string/substring match or range condition (--extract-fcol )
Deduplicate variants (--rm-dup )
Filter variants by position (--from-bp , --to-bp , --extract bed0 , ...)
Random thinning of variant set (--thin , --thin-count )
Update sample information (--update-ids , --update-parents , --update-sex )
Keep/remove samples by ID or ID list(s) (--keep , --remove , --keep-fam , --remove-fam , --indv )
Filter samples based on text column string match (--keep-fcol )
Filter samples based on phenotype existence (--require-pheno )
Filter based on sex and/or founder status (--keep-males ...)
Random thinning of sample set (--thin-indiv , --thin-indiv-count )
Calculate per-sample genotyping rate, remove samples below threshold (--mind )
Set founder status for samples with missing parent(s) (--make-founders )
Load covariates (--covar )
Ignore covariates (--not-covar )
Filter samples based on covariate existence (--require-covar )
Filter samples based on phenotype/covariate conditions (--keep-if , --remove-if , --keep-cats , ...)
Report remaining sample/sex/founder counts
Split categorical phenotypes/covariates (--split-cat-pheno )
Quantile-normalize phenotypes/covariates (--quantile-normalize , --pheno-quantile-normalize , --covar-quantile-normalize )
Variance-standardize phenotypes/covariates (--variance-standardize , --covar-variance-standardize )
Generate low-rank approximation of input phenotype matrix (--pheno-svd )
Loop over categories (--loop-cats )
Write sample IDs (--write-samples ), then QUIT (or advance to next --loop-cats category) if no other commands
Main variant filters:
Load allele frequencies (--read-freq )
Calculate needed allele/genotype frequencies
Report overall genotyping rate (--genotyping-rate )
Write allele/genotype frequencies to file (--freq , --geno-counts ), then QUIT if no other commands
Generate missing data reports (--missing ), then QUIT if no other commands
Remove variants below genotyping rate threshold (--geno )
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium report and/or exact test (--hardy , --hwe ), then QUIT if no other commands
Apply minor allele frequency and count filters (--maf , --max-maf , --mac , --max-mac )
Apply imputation-quality filter (--mach-r2-filter )
Enforce minimum spacing (--bp-space )
Report remaining variant count
Report sample variant-counts by type (--sample-counts )
Report sample-pair discordances (--sample-diff )
Calculate kinship matrix, if necessary
Perform kinship-based pruning of samples (--king-cutoff )
Write kinship matrix/table to disk (--make-king , --make-king-table )
Calculate variance-standardized relationship matrix, if necessary
Write relationship matrix to disk (--make-rel , --make-grm-list , --make-grm-bin )
Extract principal components (--pca )
Write .snplist file (--write-snplist )
Change REF/ALT alleles (--maj-ref , --ref-allele , --alt-allele , --alt1-allele , --ref-from-fa )
Left-normalize alleles (--normalize )
Write .cov file (--write-covar ; also induced by --make-pgen, --export, and similar commands)
Write PLINK 1 or 2 binary fileset, first updating chromosome information if necessary (--make-[b]pgen , --make-bed , --make-just-pvar , --make-just-psam , --make-just-bim , --make-just-fam , --update-chr )
Export genotype data to other formats (--export )
Compare two filesets (--pgen-diff )
Perform LD-based pruning (--indep-pairwise )
Display LD statistics for a single pair of variants (--ld )
Write LD-statistic matrix/table to disk (--r[2]-[un]phased )
F inbreeding coefficient report (--het )
FST fixation index report (--fst )
Apply linear scoring system(s) to each sample (--score , --score-list )
Apply linear scoring system(s) to each variant (--variant-score )
Multi-covariate association test (--glm )
Reformat new association test results (--gwas-ssf )
If --loop-cats, select next category and jump back to "Loop over categories" step, if any categories left
Organize association reports into LD-based clumps (--clump )
Definitely QUIT
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