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D: 29 Jan 2025

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General usage

Getting started

Flag usage summaries

Column set descriptors

Citation instructions

Standard data input

PLINK 1 binary (.bed)


PLINK 2 binary (.pgen)

Autoconversion behavior

VCF/BCF (.vcf[.gz], .bcf)

Oxford genotype (.bgen)

Oxford haplotype (.haps)

PLINK 1 text (.ped, .tped)

PLINK 1 dosage

Sample ID conversion

Dosage import settings

Generate random

Unusual chromosome IDs

Allele frequencies



'Cluster' import

Reference genome (.fa)

Input filtering

Sample ID file

Variant ID file

Interval-BED file




SNPs only

Simple variant window

Multiple variant ranges

Deduplicate variants

Sample/variant thinning

Pheno./covar. condition


Category subset


Missing genotypes

Number of distinct alleles

Allele frequencies/counts


Imputation quality


Founder status

Main functions

Data management




















Basic statistics











Pairwise diffs



Linkage disequilibrium




Sample-distance matrices





Population stratification


PCA projection

Association analysis


--glm ERRCODE values



Report postprocessing


Linear scoring



Distributed computation

Command-line help


Flag/parameter reuse

System resource usage


.zst decompression

Pseudorandom numbers

Warnings as errors

.pgen validation


1000 Genomes phase 3


FASTA files

Errors and warnings

Output file list

Order of operations

Developer information

GitHub root

Python library

R library


Adding new functionality

Discussion forums


File formats



Rules of Thumb

Data Exploration 1 — HWE, Allele Frequency Spectrum

Data Exploration 2 — Genomic Structure


Relationship Matrix

Genome-Wide Assocation Analyses (GWAS)



Formatting Files


Variant IDs

Reference Alleles

Format for R


Quick index search

Complete flag index

--1Specify that binary phenotypes use 0/1 instead of 1/2 encoding.
--ac-foundersConfirm that nonfounders should be excluded from --mac/--max-mac/"--freq counts".
--adjust-...-fieldSet --adjust-file input field names.
--adjust[-file]Report basic multiple-testing adjustments for association test p-values.
--af-pseudocountAdd a pseudocount for each allele when estimating allele frequencies.
--allele1234Interpret/recode A/C/G/T alleles as 1/2/3/4.
--alleleACGTInterpret/recode 1/2/3/4 alleles as A/C/G/T.
--allow-extra-chrExplicitly permit unrecognized chromosome codes.
--allow-misleading-out-argAllow --out argument to end in a common filename extension.
--allow-normalize-with-splitDisable --normalize + variant-split order-of-operations warning.
--alt-alleleScrape ALT alleles from a VCF or a similar file.
--alt1-alleleScrape ALT1 alleles from a VCF or a similar file.
--autosomeExclude all unplaced and non-autosomal variants.
--autosome-numSet number of autosomal chromosomes.
--autosome-parExclude all unplaced, X, Y, and MT variants. XY/PAR1/PAR2 variants are retained.
--bad-freqsForce PLINK 2 to proceed with questionable imputed allele frequencies.
--bad-ldForce PLINK 2 to estimate LD from very few founders.
--bcfLoad BCF2 file.
--bedSpecify full name of input .bed file.
--bed-border-{bp,kb}Extend BED intervals (for e.g. "--extract range") by the given amount.
--bfileMake <prefix>.bed + .bim + .fam the main input fileset.
--bgenSpecify full name of input Oxford-format .bgen file.
--bimSpecify full name of input .bim file.
--bp-spaceRemove variants so each pair is no closer than the given distance.
--bpfileMake <prefix>.pgen + .bim + .fam the main input fileset.
--check-sexCheck sex assignments against those imputed from chrX/chrY genotype calls.
--chrExclude all variants not on the specified chromosomes.
--chr-overrideControl which chromosome-set takes precedence when command line conflicts with .pvar.
--chr-setSpecify a nonhuman chromosome set.
--ciReport confidence intervals for odds ratios.
--clumpOrganize association reports into LD-based clumps.
--clump-a1-fieldSpecify a different --clump effect-allele field name search order.
--clump-allow-overlapPermit --clump non-index variants to appear in multiple clumps.
--clump-binsAdjust --clump p-value histogram bins.
--clump-force-a1Force A1 alleles to be included in --clump report for biallelic variants.
--clump-id-fieldSpecify a different --clump variant ID field name search order.
--clump-kbAdjust --clump single-clump kb radius.
--clump-log10Specify -log10(p) rather than raw p-value input and/or output for --clump.
--clump-p-fieldSpecify a different --clump p-value field name search order.
--clump-r2Adjust --clump r^2 threshold.
--clump-rangeWith --clump and a region list file, report overlaps between clumps and regions.
--clump-range-borderExtend all --clump-range[0] intervals by the specified number of kbs.
--clump-range0With --clump and a 0-based region list file, report overlaps between clumps and regions.
--clump-testSpecify a different set of admissible --clump test-column value(s).
--clump-test-fieldSpecify a different --clump test field name search order.
--clump-unphasedMake --clump use unphased rather than phased r^2.
--clump{,-log10}-p1Adjust --clump index variant significance threshold.
--clump{,-log10}-p2Adjust --clump secondary significance threshold.
--conditionAdd a single variant as a covariate for --glm.
--condition-listAdd variants named in a file as covariates for --glm.
--const-fidSet FID = constant, IID = sample ID.
--covarSpecify covariate file.
--covar-col-numsSpecify covariate(s) in covariate file by column numbers/ranges.
--covar-nameSpecify covariate(s) in covariate file by name.
--covar-quantile-normalizeForce numeric covariates to a N(0,1) distribution, preserving only the original rank orders.
--covar-variance-standardizeLinearly transform numeric covariates to mean-zero, variance 1.
--cowSpecify cow chromosome set.
--dSpecify non-dash delimiter for variant/covariate ranges.
--dataOxford-format loader.
--debugFlush new log entries to disk immediately, to simplify debugging of e.g. segfaults.
--delete-pmerge-resultDelete --pmerge[-list] result at end of run.
--dogSpecify dog chromosome set.
--dosage-erase-thresholdErase dosages and keep only hardcalls when distance-from-hardcall ≤ the given threshold.
--double-idSet both FID and IID to the input sample ID.
--dummyGenerate simple random dataset.
--error-on-freq-calcAssert that the run does not calculate allele frequencies.
--excludeFilter out all variants in the given file(s).
--exclude-if-infoExclude variants which satisfy a comparison predicate on an INFO key.
--exclude-snpUse ID to specify single variant to exclude, or center of window.
--exclude-snpsUse ID(s) to specify variant range(s) to exclude.
--exportExport genotype/dosage data to a non-PLINK 2 format.
--export-alleleSpecify which allele counts to report with --export A/AD.
--extractFilter out all variants not in the union of the provided file(s).
--extract-col-condExclude all variants without a 2nd-column entry in the given file satisfying a condition.
--extract-col-cond-...Specify --extract-col-cond condition.
--extract-if-infoExclude variants which don't satisfy a comparison predicate on an INFO key.
--extract-intersectFilter out all variants not in the intersection of the provided files.
--faSpecify full name of reference FASTA file.
--famSpecify full name of input .fam file.
--familyUse FIDs to define categories.
--family-missing-catnameMake --family treat the specified FID as missing.
--force-intersectAllow multiple variant inclusion filters to be specified, and take the intersection.
--freqAllele frequency report.
--from/--toUse ID(s) to specify variant range to load.
--from-bp/--to-bpUse physical bp position(s) to specify variant range to load.
--from-kb/--to-kbUse physical kb position(s) to specify variant range to load.
--from-mb/--to-mbUse physical mb position(s) to specify variant range to load.
--fstEstimate Wright's Fst between all population pairs.
--genSpecify full name of input Oxford-format .gen or .gen.gz file.
--genoFilter out variants with many missing calls.
--geno-countsGenotype count report.
--genotyping-ratePrint genotyping rate (was automatic in PLINK 1.x).
--glmLinear/logistic/Firth-regression based association analysis.
--gwas-ssfReformat --glm output for GWAS Catalog.
--hapsSpecify full name of input Oxford .haps file.
--hard-call-thresholdAdjust threshold beyond which a dosage is represented by a missing hardcall instead of the nearest one.
--hardyHardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test p-value report.
--helpLook up command usage information.
--hetInbreeding coefficient report.
--horseSpecify horse chromosome set.
--humanSpecify human chromosome set.
--hweFilter out variants failing a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test.
--id-delimTry to split sample IDs into FID/IID separated by a delimiter.
--idspace-toConvert spaces in VCF/.bgen sample IDs to another character.
--iid-sidMake --id-delim and --sample-diff treat 2-token sample IDs as IID-SID instead of FID-IID.
--import-dosageImport PLINK 1 dosage file.
--import-dosage-certaintyImport missing call instead of dosage when largest genotype probability is less than given threshold.
--import-max-allelesDuring VCF/BCF/BGEN import, filter out variants with more than the given # of alleles.
--impute-sexImpute sexes from chrX/chrY genotype calls.
--indepUse Variance Inflation Factors to generate a pruned marker list.
--indep-orderSet LD-pruning order.
--indep-pairphaseUse maximum likelihood phasing r^2 values to generate a pruned marker list.
--indep-pairwiseUse allele count pairwise correlations to generate a pruned marker list.
--indep-preferredMake LD-pruning commands try to keep the variants listed in a file.
--indiv-sortSelect sort order for sample IDs in a new binary fileset.
--indvFilter out all samples not matching the given ID.
--input-missing-genotypeSpecify non-'.' genotype code to treat as missing in input files (default '0').
--input-missing-phenotypeSpecify integer phenotype code to treat as missing value (default -9).
--keepFilter out all samples not named in a file.
--keep-autoconvKeep autogenerated binary fileset when working with VCF/.bgen/other non-native data formats.
--keep-cat-namesFilter out all but the given categories (unless --keep-cats also specified).
--keep-cat-phenoSpecify which categorical phenotype --keep-cats/--keep-cat-names applies to.
--keep-catsFilter out categories not named in a file.
--keep-col-matchExclude samples without a 3rd-column entry in the given file matching a given string.
--keep-col-match-nameMake --keep-col-match match against the column with the given name, instead of the 3rd column.
--keep-col-match-numMake --keep-col-match match against the given column number, instead of the 3rd column.
--keep-famFilter out all families not named in a file.
--keep-femalesExclude male and unknown-sex samples.
--keep-foundersExclude nonfounder samples.
--keep-ifExclude samples which don't satisfy a pheno/covar-based comparison predicate.
--keep-malesExclude female and unknown-sex samples.
--keep-nonfoundersExclude founder samples.
--keep-nosexExclude all known-sex samples.
--king-cutoffPrune samples to remove close relations.
--king-cutoff-tablePrune samples to remove close relations, using precomputed .kin0 kinship values.
--king-table-filterSpecify minimum kinship coefficient for inclusion in --make-king-table report.
--king-table-requireRestrict --make-king-table run to sample pairs including at least one sample listed in a file.
--king-table-require-xorRestrict --make-king-table run to sample pairs including exactly one sample listed in a file.
--king-table-subsetRestrict --make-king-table run to sample pairs listed in the given .kin0 file.
--lambdaSet genomic control lambda for --adjust[-file].
--lax-bgen-importTolerate overstated variant count in .bgen header.
--lax-chrx-importDisable warning/error for suspicious chrX import that seems to be missing sex information and/or --split-par.
--ldDisplay LD statistics for a single pair of variants.
--ld-snp-listRestrict the first variant in --r[2]-[un]phased pairs to those named in a file.
--ld-snp/--ld-snpsRestrict the first variant in --r[2]-[un]phased pairs to the given variant(s).
--ld-windowSet max variant-ct distance for --r[2]-[un]phased report inclusion.
--ld-window-cmSet max centimorgan distance for --r[2]-[un]phased report inclusion.
--ld-window-kbChange max kb distance for --r[2]-[un]phased report inclusion.
--ld-window-r2Change min r^2 threshold for --r[2]-[un]phased report inclusion.
--legendSpecify full name of input Oxford .legend file.
--loop-catsExecute PLINK 2's main body once for each category.
--macFilter out variants with low minor allele count.
--mach-r2-filterFilter out variants based on MaCH imputation quality metric.
--mafFilter out variants with low MAF.
--maj-refSet major alleles to reference, like PLINK 1.x automatically did.
--make-bedGenerate a PLINK 1 .bed + .bim[.zst] + .fam binary fileset.
--make-bpgenGenerate a hybrid .pgen + .bim[.zst] + .fam binary fileset.
--make-foundersSet missing parental ID codes to 0.
--make-grm-binExport a GCTA 1.1+ triangular binary relationship matrix.
--make-grm-listExport a GCTA relationship matrix (original format).
--make-just-bimGenerate a new PLINK 1 .bim file.
--make-just-famGenerate a new PLINK 1 .fam file.
--make-just-psamGenerate a new PLINK 2 .psam file.
--make-just-pvarGenerate a new PLINK 2 .pvar file.
--make-kingKING-robust kinship estimator, matrix output.
--make-king-tableKING-robust kinship estimator, table output.
--make-pgenGenerate a PLINK 2 .pgen + .pvar[.zst] + .psam binary fileset.
--make-relRelationship/covariance matrix calculation.
--mapSpecify full name of input .map file.
--max-allelesFilter out variants with more than the given # of alleles.
--max-corrAdjust --glm's predictor correlation limit (default 0.999).
--max-macFilter out variants with high minor allele count.
--max-mafFilter out variants with high MAF.
--memorySpecify the size of the primary memory allocation request.
--merge-cm-modeAdjust CM column conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-filter-modeAdjust FILTER conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-info-modeAdjust INFO conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-info-sortAdjust INFO key sort order in --pmerge[-list] output.
--merge-max-allele-ctExclude variants with more alleles from --pmerge[-list] output.
--merge-modeAdjust genotype/dosage conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-parMerge PAR1/PAR2 with chrX. (Don't use this with "--export vcf".)
--merge-parents-modeAdjust parental-ID conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-pheno-modeAdjust phenotype conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-pheno-sortAdjust phenotype column sort order in --pmerge[-list] output.
--merge-qual-modeAdjust QUAL conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-sex-modeAdjust sex conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--merge-xMerge PLINK 1.x XY pseudo-autosomal region with rest of chrX.
--merge-xheader-modeAdjust .pvar header conflict resolution behavior of --pmerge[-list].
--min-allelesFilter out variants with fewer than given # of alleles.
--mindFilter out samples with many missing calls.
--minimac3-r2-filterCompute Minimac3 R^2s (inaccurate without phased dosages!), and filter variants on them.
--missingSample- and variant-based missing data reports.
--missing-catnameSet missing-categorical-phenotype string (case-sensitive, default 'NONE').
--missing-codeSpecify missing phenotype values in Oxford-formatted input.
--missing-var-codeChange unnamed variant code.
--mouseSpecify mouse chromosome set.
--multiallelics-already-joinedPrevent --pmerge[-list] from erroring out when an apparent 'split' multiallelic variant is seen.
--mwithinSpecify column to read --within category assignments from.
--nativeAllow Intel MKL to use processor-dependent code paths.
--neg9-pheno-really-missingSpecify that -9 really represents a missing value when other values in [-8, -10] are present.
--new-id-max-allele-lenSet max # of chars --set-{all,missing}-var-ids can use from an allele name.
--no-categoricalInterpret non-numeric non-NA/nan phenotype/covariate values as missing numbers, instead of category names.
--no-fidSpecify that main input .fam/.ped file does not have a family ID column.
--no-id-headerExclude header line when creating sample .id files.
--no-input-missing-phenotypeTreat phenotype=-9 as actually -9 instead of a missing code.
--no-parentsSpecify that main input .fam/.ped file does not have parental ID columns.
--no-psam-phenoSpecify that phenotype data should not be loaded from the main input .psam/.fam file.
--no-sexSpecify that main input .fam/.ped file does not have a sex column.
--nonfoundersInclude all samples in MAF/MAC/HWE test(s) and --freq report, instead of excluding nonfounders.
--normalizeLeft-normalize all variants, using the --fa file.
--not-chrExclude all variants on the specified chromosomes.
--not-covarIgnore the named covariates.
--not-phenoIgnore the named phenotypes.
--outSpecify filename prefix to use for all output files.
--output-chrSpecify chromosome coding scheme in output files.
--output-min-pSpecify minimum p-value to write to reports.
--output-missing-genotypeSpecify missing genotype code to use in PLINK-format output files.
--output-missing-phenotypeSpecify missing phenotype code to use in PLINK-format output files.
--oxford-single-chrSpecify single-chromosome .gen/.bgen file.
--parallelSplit a computation into many parts and complete one of them.
--parametersExclude some covariates/interactions from --glm model.
--pcaExtract principal components.
--pedSpecify full name of input .ped file.
--pedmapImport .ped + .map fileset.
--pfileMake <prefix>.pgen + .pvar + .psam the main input fileset.
--pfilterOnly include variants with small p-values in association test reports.
--pgenSpecify full name of input .pgen file.
--pgen-diffCompare overlapping samples and variants between two PLINK binary filesets.
--pgen-infoPrint .pgen dimensions, and which data types are present.
--pgiSpecify full name of input .pgen.pgi file.
--phenoLoad phenotype data from the given file instead of the main input fileset.
--pheno-col-numsSpecify phenotype(s) in phenotype file by column numbers/ranges.
--pheno-inner-joinRestrict --pmerge[-list] to phenotypes present in every input filesets.
--pheno-nameSpecify name of the column to load in --pheno file.
--pheno-quantile-normalizeForce quantitative phenotypes to a N(0,1) distribution, preserving only the original rank orders.
--pheno-svdGenerate summary phenotypes via SVD.
--pmergeMerge a PLINK binary fileset with the main input fileset.
--pmerge-listMerge multiple PLINK binary filesets.
--pmerge-list-dirSpecify base directory for --pmerge-list entries.
--pmerge-output-vzsCompress the .pvar produced by --pmerge[-list].
--polyploid-modeSpecify how polyploid data should be imported.
--psamSpecify full name of input .psam file.
--pvarSpecify full name of input .pvar file.
--q-score-rangeForce --score[-list] to only consider e.g. SNPs with p-values in a given range.
--quantile-normalizeForce numeric covariates and quantitative phenotypes to a N(0,1) distribution, preserving only the original rank orders.
--r[2]-[un]phasedWrite LD-statistic matrix/table to disk.
--randmemRandomize contents of workspace memory immediately after reserving it.
--read-freqLoad allele frequencies from a --freq/--geno-counts file.
--recover-var-idsUndo --set-all-var-ids, given the original .pvar/VCF/.bim file.
--real-ref-allelesSpecifies that .bim A2 alleles are based on a real reference genome.
--ref-alleleScrape REF alleles from a VCF or a similar file.
--ref-from-faSet REF alleles from a reference FASTA.
--removeFilter out all samples named in a file.
--remove-cat-namesFilter out all given categories.
--remove-cat-phenoSpecify which categorical phenotype --remove-cats/--remove-cat-names applies to.
--remove-catsFilter out all categories named in a file.
--remove-famFilter out all families named in a file.
--remove-femalesExclude female samples.
--remove-ifExclude samples which satisfy a pheno/covar-based comparison predicate.
--remove-malesExclude male samples.
--remove-nosexExclude unknown-sex samples.
--require-covarRemove samples with missing covariate values.
--require-infoExclude variants which are missing one of the given INFO keys.
--require-no-infoExclude variants which have any of the given INFO keys.
--require-phenoRemove samples with missing phenotype value(s).
--rerunReuse flags (and parameters, except when explicitly replaced) from last run.
--riceSpecify rice chromosome set (assuming doubled haploids).
--rm-dupDeduplicate same-ID variants.
--sampleSpecify full name of input Oxford-format .sample file.
--sample-countsSample variant-count report (# of hom-ALT and het-ALT variants, etc.).
--sample-diffPairwise sample comparison.
--sample-inner-joinRestrict --pmerge[-list] to samples present in every input filesets.
--score-col-numsMake --score[-list] process multiple coefficient columns from each input file.
--score[-list]Compute sample scores, given allele coefficients.
--scriptRead additional command-line parameters from a text file.
--seedSpecify seed(s) to initialize the pseudorandom number generator with.
--set-all-var-idsAssign chromosome-and-position-based IDs to all variants.
--set-invalid-haploid-missingForce heterozygous haploid genotypes to missing in --make-[b]pgen/--make-bed output.
--set-missing-var-idsAssign chromosome-and-position-based IDs to unnamed variants.
--set-mixed-mt-missingForce heterozygous MT genotypes to missing in --make-[b]pgen/--make-bed output.
--sheepSpecify sheep chromosome set.
--silentSuppress all console output.
--snpUse ID to specify single variant to load, or center of window.
--snpsUse ID(s) to specify variant range(s) to load.
--snps-onlyExclude all sites with multi-character allele codes.
--sort-varsSort variants by chromosome, then position, then ID.
--split-cat-phenoSplit categorical phenotypes into binary phenotypes.
--split-parSplit PAR1/PAR2 off of chrX.
--strict-extra-chrProhibit unrecognized chromosome codes, unless --allow-extra-chr is also present.
--strict-sid0When the main .psam/.fam file lacks a SID column, treat nonzero SIDs in other files as sample ID mismatches.
--testsPerform the specified joint test on the --glm model.
--tfamSpecify full name of input .tfam file.
--tfileImport .tped + .tfam fileset.
--thinRandomly remove variants at a given rate.
--thin-countRandomly remove variants until the given number remain.
--thin-indivRandomly remove samples at a given rate.
--thin-indiv-countRandomly remove samples until the given number remain.
--threadsSpecify the maximum permitted number of compute threads.
--tpedSpecify full name of input .tped file.
--update-allelesUpdate variant allele codes.
--update-chrUpdate variant chromosome codes.
--update-cmUpdate variant centimorgan positions.
--update-idsUpdate sample IDs.
--update-mapUpdate variant bp positions.
--update-nameUpdate variant IDs.
--update-parentsUpdate parental IDs.
--update-sexUpdate sexes.
--validateScan .pgen for malformed records.
--var-filterSkip variants failing one or more filters tracked by the FILTER field.
--var-id-multiSpecify alternative --set-{all,missing}-var-ids template for multiallelic variants.
--var-id-multi-nonsnpSpecify alternative --set-{all,missing}-var-ids template for non-SNP multiallelic variants.
--var-min-qualSkip variants with missing or low QUAL values.
--variance-standardizeLinearly transform quantitative phenotypes and numeric covariates to mean-0, variance 1.
--variant-inner-joinRestrict --pmerge[-list] to variants present in every input filesets.
--variant-scoreCompare variant scores, given sample coefficients.
--vcfLoad text VCF file (can be gzipped).
--vcf-allow-no-nonvarDisable warning/error for suspicious single-sample VCF with no 0, 0/0, or 0|0 GT values.
--vcf-half-callSpecify how '0/.' and similar nonstandard VCF GT values should be handled.
--vcf-max-dpNo-call genotypes when DP is present and above the given threshold.
--vcf-min-dpNo-call genotypes when DP is present and below the given threshold.
--vcf-min-gqNo-call genotypes when GQ is present and below the given threshold.
--vcf-ref-n-missingImport VCF 'N' REF alleles as missing alleles.
--vcf-require-gtSkip variants with no GT field.
--versionPrint version information and exit.
--vifSpecify VIF threshold for --glm multicollinearity check.
--vscore-col-numsMake --variant-score only process the specified coefficient columns in the input file.
--warning-errcodeReturn a nonzero error code to the OS when a run completes with warning(s).
--windowSpecify total size of variant window to keep/exclude. Requires --snp or --exclude-snp.
--withinConstruct categorical covariate from PLINK 1 cluster file.
--write-covarCreate a pruned covariate file.
--write-samplesExport a list of sample IDs.
--write-snplistExport a list of variant IDs.
--xchr-modelSpecify chrX male dosage encoding for --glm/--condition[-list]/--score[-list]/--vscore.
--y-nosex-missing-statsInclude unknown-sex samples in chrY missingness-rate and het-haploid stats.
--zst-decompressDecompress .zst file.
--zst-levelAdjust Zstd compression level (1-22, default 3).